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Perfect scrambled eggs recipe

Learn how to make scrambled eggs in a pan with this easy, foolproof recipe. This speedy breakfast is packed with protein and takes just 10 minutes.

How to Make It

  • STEP 1

    Lightly whisk 2 large eggs, 6 tbsp single cream or full cream milk and a pinch of salt together until the mixture has just one consistency.

  • STEP 2

    Heat a small non-stick frying pan for a minute or so, then add a knob of butter and let it melt. Don’t allow the butter to brown or it will discolour the eggs.

  • STEP 3

    Pour in the egg mixture and let it sit, without stirring, for 20 seconds. Stir with a wooden spoon, lifting and folding it over from the bottom of the pan.

  • STEP 4

    Let it sit for another 10 seconds then stir and fold again.

  • STEP 5

    Repeat until the eggs are softly set and slightly runny in places. Remove from the heat and leave for a moment to finish cooking.

  • STEP 6

    Give a final stir and serve the velvety scramble without delay.


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